Thursday 19 January 2012

Judges Course Johannesburg 19th January


It has been going well with the training here in Johannesburg. The humidity is more noticeable when training. Yesterday I managed 3 litres of water within 2 hours of training… showering ever night is very nice!

Today is the last day of training, and then Saturday we are going to a wildlife park. Should be fun. On Sunday I am judging a show (proper FCI show for the SA Kennel Club) but it wont take all day.

Lucy has been a bit better than me at updating her blog! You can read her blog at

Last night I conducted a judging seminar and we did lots of course analysis and talked about the key points to designing and judging suitable courses which offer options and test a series of skills.

I promised I would post the courses and here they are:

(the courses I used were from a weekend judging in Norway back last year)

Hope everyone enjoys these courses.