Firstly I would like to thank NHDTC for their great hospitality, food, and banter! It was a real pleasure doing the training day and I had great fun. We covered and built upon the stuff we had done 7 months ago in March, and everyone went away pleased and having learnt something. That always makes me happy.
We did 3 x 2 hour sessions, which enabled me to focus on each group very specifically. We looked at sending dogs on to obstacles from a tight angle turn, cross behinds, discrimination (decision making), and weaves (I in fact based a lot of the exercises on weave entries and pickups). There is a diagram of the hardest weave approach we looked at. All the dogs got it in the end, we had to break the exercise down and look at directing the dog from the first of the jumps, not the second. I encouraged handlers to take their time at the first jump, not rush to the second.
I had Scotty with me also, and he found this weave entry also. I was very pleased with the day as a whole and look forward the NHDTC show in November.
Im heading to Copenhagen this Thursday for the training weekend and I will try and keep the blog updated!
Check out the photos. Best wishes, Lee